Priesthood, Temple, Mission

This resource is to help you prepare and to provide your parents, leaders, and others with help to assist you and support you in your personal preparation. As you prayerfully study, read, listen, watch, discuss, and seek to understand the sacred covenants of the Holy Priesthood, you will receive revelation, through the Holy Ghost, about how you are to prepare to make and keep these covenants. As you work closely with your priesthood leaders, you and each of them will be guided regarding the proper timing for Melchizedek Priesthood ordination, receiving temple blessings, and for full-time missionary service.
We testify that Jesus Christ suffered and died for us and that he Atoned for our sins, weaknesses, pains and trials. We testify that he lives and is the light of the world and by following him we can return, with our families, to the presence of our Heavenly Father.
With Love,
President Griffiths
President Mead
President Wilson